Why Dynamic Flows?
What makes us different?
One tool, multiple solutions
Our solution is full integrated with MS Office, O365, MS Teams, Mobile... Creating the perfect workspace to manage information, contacts, task, docs increasing effectiveness but using the same tools.

What makes us different?
One tool, multiple solutions
Our solution is full integrated with MS Office, O365, MS Teams, Mobile... Creating the perfect workspace to manage information, contacts, task, docs increasing effectiveness but using the same tools.
Organised Work
With its various modules, Dynamic Flows offers the company the possibility to reorganize its work.
No change at work
No change in user behavior you can have access from anywhere.
Make up time
Save time by collaborating and sharing information through workflow and artificial intelligence.
Classify all your content in a totally secure way thanks to our electronic safe.
Collaborate in a simple and structured way with our workflows and its unique dashboard.
Search Optimization and reporting
Optimize your time when searching for documents with the full text search or with the advanced filter search thanks to its strong indexing. Create custom or standardized reporting directly via Power BI.

Safe time & improve your team work
Transforming how professionals work combining artificial intelligence, security and risk mitigation with market leading document and email management.
Modern cloud architecture
Access it all in the cloud or on-premises
The Dynamic Flows suite features a modern cloud architecture designed to meet the unique needs of professional work management. Users can work efficiently over high or low bandwidth connections. Dynamic Flows provides an optimized user experience, fully secure, with a redundancy and backed up across a network of global data centers. The proven deployment methodology, the speed of integration within your existing environment, an annual service pricing, increase the agility of your organization.
The solution can also be implemented in your local infrastructure, On-Premises, you will benefit from our modern architecture, based on “Webservices” and “API’s”.
The Dynamic Flows Suite is a modern cloud architecture designed to support the unique needs of professional work product management. Users can work effectively on high or low band width connections. Dynamic Flows delivers an optimized user experience when working with large files, fully secured and back-up across a network of worldwide data centers. Proven deployment methodology, annual subscription pricing and rapid on boarding all increase your organization’s agility.
The Dynamic Flows Suite can work also in your environment, on-premises.